Students as Historians
Did you know…
EHS works extensively with schools each year to inspire student interest through local history?
Our trained educators engage students through:
Classroom visits, during which students don white gloves to interact with objects, images and maps from EHS’s collections.
Activity-packed field trips to historic Pratt House and Hills Academy.
Walking tours throughout the villages of Centerbrook, Essex and Ivoryton, featuring history hiding in plain sight.
Roleplaying activities, using reproduction objects and costuming, that hold up to sturdy kid-friendly exploration
EHS staff and volunteers engage with students at every grade level and are available to come to your classroom!
Contact us to learn more!
Sample Lessons Include:
Water Power and Mills
Colonial Life
American Revolution
Indigenous Objects
Ivory in a Global Trade Web
Shipbuilding & Maritime Trade
And Much More!
Curator’s Corner
If you are a local teacher, check out our trove of resources to support your curriculum…
Click here to reach our YouTube channel, where we feature “virtual visits” that allow students to examine exciting objects from our historic collection, like:
A real powder horn used by Revolutionary War soldiers.
An oft-used 18th C “town crutch,” inscribed by injured workers at the Essex seaport.
A piano action from Ivoryton’s famed manufacturing plant.
Click here for a 3-minute virtual tour, produced by Centerbrook Architects, of what Centerbrook looked like in 1910.
Contact us for access to publications with in-depth information and colorful photos describing the distinct history of each of our three villages.

“‘If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten’ ”